Author: Jamie White
Best Known Works: Trembling Souls: A Stains Novella
Top Writing Tip: Write because you love it, not because you want to get rich. Most likely, you will end up disappointed and uninspired. Also, write what you truly love.
Hi Jamie, thank you for taking the time to talk to us!
Tell us a little about yourself, what are the main life experiences that have led to this book?
I’m a blogger, author, pet servant, and paranormal junkie. I’ve always had an interest in the paranormal, so I’ve gravitated toward a lot of New Age things, which play a big part in the Stains trilogy.
How did the topic of your book(s) come to you?
It came mostly from a dream that inspired an image of a girl burning at the stake. I started with that image and it flowed from there. By the time I was done, I ended up adding in a little of my experiences with prophetic dreams and other New Age things.
What, or who, do you enjoy reading?
I really love Christopher Pike books. He’s a huge inspiration to me and actually helped start me on my spiritual path. I also love Laura Deluca, Michelle Cornwell-Jordan, Marni Mann, and Eric Swett. Mostly, I like paranormal stories although I also read erotica, non-fiction, and other stuff.
Tell us a bit about your story, key characters and plot.
The key character of Stains is Fiona Stevens. Her journey begins with a dream that she begins to think may be a warning of the new guy in town who has been showing an interest in her. She’s attracted to him, but she’s scared of him at the same time. As the stories continue, Fiona begins to learn that her dreams are dealing with previous lives. Certain themes and dangers are returning to complicate this life. Now, she has to work to break free of the cycle she’s been caught in.
How long does it take you to write a book? Are you a fast writer or a slow writer?
I have written the majority of my work during NaNoWriMo challenges, but I also write short stories and other things outside of that. So, I usually write the draft in a month. After that, I like to take time to let the work sit before I get back to it. Once I start revisions, it depends. The Stains trilogy took several re-writes over months before I ended up submitting them.
Where do you go when you need to recharge?
I love getting out in nature, taking walks, meditating, and listening to music.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you most like a writing retreat?
Hmm. Somewhere quiet, for sure. Either a lake or ocean setting.
Has your style changed over the past five years – how and why?
I think the biggest change has been in fleshing out the work more. I worked on the emotional and scene-setting aspect a lot during the editing of the first Stains book and it’s stuck with me. Now, I have to keep myself in check to avoid going too far.
Are you published or self published, and what has been your experience of this process?
I’m both. I am planning to self-publish at some point this year as well as my PWP releases. I think the experience with the publisher has been a great one, because it’s a community that supports you. You get a lot of support on the editing end and cover design, which is something you are on your own with when Self-pubbing. Self-pub is great because it gives you complete control over release dates and other aspects. I’m lucky, though, that my publisher has been so collaborative with covers and editorial decisions.
Do you think ebooks have changed the publishing market for better or worse?
I think it’s definitely been a good change. People like to say “anyone can publish a book now” like it’s a bad thing sometimes, but I welcome it. We need as many stories and ideas to choose from as possible. Not everything will be great, but every story will touch someone and I like people have the freedom to put those ideas out there without someone saying they can first.
What are your future plans for writing?
I have two anthology pieces contracted, have submitted to a third and will be working on pieces for two more. They are mostly in the paranormal/New Age genre. I’m also working on preparing a Full length work for submission.
Jamie, thank you for sharing your process and your passion with us! The best of luck with your short stories and future novels!